all postcodes in UB5 / GREENFORD

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB5 5AA 1 1 51.546772 -0.370915
UB5 5AB 34 9 51.544803 -0.373567
UB5 5AD 37 0 51.544 -0.372009
UB5 5AE 56 12 51.544094 -0.375597
UB5 5AG 21 7 51.54326 -0.376391
UB5 5AH 16 1 51.544139 -0.373605
UB5 5AJ 11 1 51.54447 -0.372237
UB5 5AL 29 0 51.543289 -0.373938
UB5 5AN 27 0 51.543433 -0.373313
UB5 5AP 20 0 51.541537 -0.381225
UB5 5AQ 5 0 51.543665 -0.375122
UB5 5AR 26 0 51.54055 -0.383279
UB5 5AS 18 0 51.539262 -0.386454
UB5 5AT 15 0 51.538077 -0.3885
UB5 5AU 25 10 51.537514 -0.389428
UB5 5AW 29 5 51.542513 -0.379633
UB5 5AY 6 0 51.537337 -0.388368
UB5 5AZ 28 0 51.539597 -0.383947
UB5 5BA 18 0 51.539248 -0.384075
UB5 5BB 15 0 51.539298 -0.384477